domingo, 28 de agosto de 2016

Alemania - negociaciones por TTIP entre UE y EU han fracasado

Las negociaciones entre la UE y los EU en el Trans-Atlantic Comercio y Sociedad de Inversión, o TTIP, esencialmente, han fracasado, ha dicho el vicecanciller alemán y ministro de Economía, Sigmar Gabriel.

“In my opinion the negotiations with the United States have de facto failed, even though nobody is really admitting it,” the minister told ZDF broadcaster, according to a written transcript of the interview to be aired on Sunday.

“[They] have failed because we Europeans did not want to subject ourselves to American demands.”

He noted that throughout 14 rounds of talks the two sides have not been able to find common ground on a single chapter of the deal being discussed. Among the stumbling blocks is a US objection to opening public tenders to European companies.

“For me, that goes against free trade,” Gabriel previously commented regarding the issue.

Washington has been insisting that the free trade deal be signed before the end of 2016, but it has encountered strong opposition from a number of European nations, not only Germany - texto completo y video